Behold, the most brilliant idea in the universe. The 2010 Overdue Book Calendar, available to download as a PDF from Aunt June on Etsy. Just because it's Friday (high time for some eye-candy), and I am a big fan of adorable organizational doo-dads. Really. I am like a magpie for this kind of stuff. Closet organizers. Mason jars. Planners. Magnetic to-do lists. You name it. For four dollars (FOUR DOLLARS!), you can print out this swoon-worthy calendar as many times as you like on any sort of card-stock for every book lover in your life. I have found my new go-to birthday/holiday/just-because gift. It's true that one of the perks of my job is getting to take home new releases for a few weeks (as long as there are plenty of copies in the store), which makes it easier to avoid those extra long library wait-lists...but if you're like me, you still check out library books by the truckload. And if you have small people in your life, then you probably need a radio-flyer just to get them home. Funny how those beloved books have a way of disappearing off the face of the planet, and those little due-date receipts tend to flutter away in the wind. This would be a great way of helping your little ones keep track of their books, and an even better way to remember what they read throughout the year. A reading keep-sake that helps you avoid late-fees? Yes, please.
Wishing you a wonderful weekend, and happy reading.