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August 29, 2009



welcome back

Kyla Roma

I always feel like the summer is for tiring ourselves out thoroughly and the winter is for resting up for the next wild summer- though it sounds like yours has been considerably wilder than mine.

Just found your blog & I love it. I hope that you're feeling better!


yes. and yes again.


What a lovely description of your summer which sounds so perfect in many ways. I'm off to check out your early morning photos. xo lj

emily m

your posts are so wonderful to read. thank you :)


how is that unpacking coming along?


this little story was actaully really inspiring...i really enjoyed it! beautiful pics too!

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  • I'm Andrea. I like to make things. I like plaid and collecting curiosities to put under bell jars. I love books. Also, mockingbirds, bikes with baskets, textiles, cupcakes, and whiskey. Mostly, I run around making no sense.

Scout Elsewhere

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